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LG TV Remote (deprecated)

12 reviews
481 k downloads

Open apps and control your LG Smart TV from your smartphone

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The LG TV Remote (deprecated) app is specifically designed to enhance your viewing experience on LG Smart TVs released in 2012 or later. Simplify your control by using your mobile device as a remote after connecting both through the same WiFi network. However, the Mini TV feature, allowing live channel viewing on your mobile device, might not be accessible for all channels due to content protection regulations.

With this handy tool, you'll have access to a range of convenient features. Channel and volume control are at your fingertips with dedicated hotkeys. Input and channel lists are also easily navigable. Premium content and applications are within reach via Mini Home, making it easier to enjoy your favorite shows and apps.

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The on-screen pointer can be controlled with the intuitive Touch Pad, reminiscent of LG's Magic Remote, offering a streamlined navigation experience. Text input for search and login purposes is more straightforward with SmartText, although this feature may have limitations depending on the environment. QuickMemo allows you to capture a TV screen snapshot, where you can then add notes or artwork for reference or sharing.

Additional features exclusive to 2013 LG TV models include Unified Search, simplifying the way you find content across different platforms, and Smart Share, which lists media files from your TV’s Smart Share function on your mobile device for easy playback selection. Lastly, the On Now feature personalizes program recommendations to fit your tastes based on your selections.

By integrating control and content discovery into one seamless app, the LG TV Remote (deprecated) promises to offer convenience and an enhanced user experience. Whether you’re looking to simplify your viewing or discover new favorites, this tool might just become an indispensable part of your entertainment routine.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by LG Electronics..

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 2.2.x or higher required

Information about LG TV Remote (deprecated) 5.4

Package Name com.lge.tv.remoteapps
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Funny
Language English
37 more
Author LG Electronics.
Downloads 481,043
Date Aug 24, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 5.3 Android + 2.2.x Sep 13, 2023
apk 5.1.0 Android + 2.2.x Jul 31, 2023
apk 3.0.56 Android + 2.2.x Jan 6, 2021
apk 3.0.40 Android + 2.2.x Jul 6, 2023
apk 3.0.29 Android + 2.2.x May 8, 2022
apk 1.6.26 Android + 2.2.x Nov 15, 2020

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12 reviews


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catalanweb icon
5 months ago

Excellent app for LG smart TV

fantasticvioletpear55083 icon
in 2023

Hope it works

happyblackacacia23989 icon
in 2022

Excellent...New version won't work properly

slowredlychee45578 icon
in 2020

We need to update to Android 10 is with errors

antoniovalencia icon
in 2020

Thanks is an excellent apk and on the beach atore is no longer found.

intrepidgreysnail79855 icon
in 2020

Very good application and 5 stars to the page.

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